If you or a loved-one has to stay during a considerable period in a hospital you have to understand that this stay can make people feel apprehensive, but knowing in advance what this experience would be, will help you to cope with it in a much easier way.
Sleeping in a hospital may be something hard to get used to at first because you are not in your personal space, like it is your bedroom, and most medical centers do not offer a comfy and warmth environment to sleep in. And if we add to this, the discomfort of your illness, sleeping can become a hard task.
Being all day stuck in bed ?except for those whose condition allow them to move around the hospital- tend to develop pressure sores or bedsores, which are skin ulcers produced? for being sitting down or lying down in the same position for long time.?
The pressure you put in some parts of your body diminishes the circulation of blood through the skin tissues and under-skin tissues, turning the skin reddish or darker, depending on the color of your skin. Left untreated can produce infections that may unable a person to move normally.
In order to improve this condition, it is recommended to use foam pads or wedge pillows to relieve the pressure of the sores. If you are sleeping on your side, it is better to use the pillow under one side, to make the weight rest upon the fleshy part of your buttocks instead on your hipbone. When sleeping on your back, place the bed pillow wedge under your calves to separate your knees and lift up your ankles. And when you are sitting in bed or in wheelchair, place the wedge pillow behind your back help you sit upright and straight.
This is how the Wedge Pillow becomes a perfect aid for medical center patients to help them overcome the discomfort that bears a prolonged bedridden stay ?as well as the permanence in wheelchairs- and achieve a much faster recovery. So, if you want to maintain your body in a correct position and feel comfortable, don\'t hesitate to click on Wedge Pillow to get this excellent product for recovery time in the hospital.