Arthritis Relief Diet Claims - Fact or Fiction
Arthritis Relief Diet Claims - Fact or Fiction

Posted on October 17, 2013 by admin There have been 0 comments

Arthritis is an equal opportunity ailment that afflicts the joints of people of all ages, sexes and backgrounds.  Nearly 40 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis, including over a quarter million children!

There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis, the most common of which are Osteoarthritis (OA), degenerative joint disease related to wear and tear of cartilage, and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system.  More than 27 million Americans have osteoarthritis, while approximately 1.3 million Americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. More than half of those with arthritis are under 65 years of age, and nearly 60% of Americans with arthritis are women.

The treatment of arthritis is dependent on the precise type of arthritis present. An accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment. Treatments available include physical therapy, splinting, cold-pack application, paraffin wax dips, anti-inflammatory medications, immune-altering medications, and surgical operations.  Lately, there has also been increased interest in the impact of diet on arthritis.

Unfortunately, some arthritis sufferers seek relief by  trying fad diets and untested nutritional supplements or by accepting advice from a friend who claims that eating gin-soaked raisins will ease arthritis symptoms.  While it is true that, in some cases, arthritis patients are advised to avoid certain foods and incorporate others into their diet, it's also important to know that some nutritional treatments for arthritis have been studied and backed up with scientific data while others may be little more than popular myths.

How does one navigate this gray area of unregulated dietary treatments and know whether the diet they're using is helping or hurting?  In recent studies such as those performed by the National Resource Centre for Rehabilitation in Rheumatology in Norway and the Medizinische Clinic in Germany a  few truths have emerged. The following may help to separate fact from fiction:

Arthritis Relief Diets and Supplements Proven Effective by Research Studies

Use a Different Mix of Fats - It has been shown that omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation, while omega-3 fatty acids reduce it.  For this reason, limit consumption of meat and poultry, and increase intake of cold-water fish such as sardines, mackerel, trout and sardines.  For salad Dressings and cooking oils, use olive, canola and flaxseed oils instead of corn, safflour and sunflour oils.

Green Tea - Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea each day might help people with RA.  It has been shown that the polyphenolic compounds in green tea significantly reduce the incidence and severity of RA in mice.  Human studies have not yet confirmed this.


ASU (Avodado-soybean unsaponfiable) - This product, derived from avocado and soybean oils, has been shown to relieve OA pain, stimulate cartilage repair and reduce the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ASU is available in the U.S. without prescription.


Boron - It has been shown that people with high-boron diets have a very low incidence of arthritis.  the best sources of boron are fruits and vegetables.


Chondroitin Sulfate - Long used in Europe for OA pain relief, it has been shown to stop joint degeneration, improve function, and ease pain.  One study followed patients with OA in finger joints for three years and showed a reduction in the development of further cartilage damage.


Fish Oil - Has been shown to be useful in the relief of RA pain.

Ginger - Known to reduce joint pain and inflammation in people with OA and RA.


Glucosamine - This supplement helps some people with OA to build and repair cartilage.

Promising but Unproven Diets and Supplements


Alkaline Diet - Based on the assumption that both OA and RA are caused by too much acid, this diet excludes foods such as sugar, coffee, red meat, most grains, nuts and citrus fruits.  Intended to be followed for just one month, this diet may help people to feel better by losing weight which reduces stress on joints.

Vegetarian Diet - Many report improvement in symptoms but evidence is not conclusive.


Bovine Cartilage - Cartilage taken from the windpipe and trachea of cows is claimed to function as an anti-inflammatory agent for treatment of OA and RA. Animal studies are promising but not yet supported by human studies.


MSM - Widely claimed as a reliever of pain and inflammation, its safety and effectiveness has yet to be determined.

Unproven or Mythical Arthritis Relief Dietary Recommendations


Eliminate Nightshades - A common but unproven claim is that elimination of nightshades, which includes potatoes, egplants and most peppers, relieves arthritis.

Gin-Soaked Raisins - Many claim that this works, but there is no supporting evidence. Gin may dull pain or relieve stress, but excess alcohol consumption can cause other problems.


Dong Diet - Relies heavily on vegetables, but there is no evidence it affects arthritis.

Selected Nutritional Supplements Recommended for Treatment of Arthritis

A variety of effective and moderately priced nutritional supplements are commercially available to assist you in treating arthritis. The following non-prescription, anti-inflammatory product, offered  online  by Deluxe Comfort, is highly recommended:


Cat's Claw Pure Extract - Cat's Claw helps to reduce pain and inflammation associated arthritis and rheumatism

Other products for treatment of arthritis can be found at

Experimenting with foods and diets can provide arthritis pain relief but it is not without risks.  A good rule of thumb is to eat a healthy, well balanced diet and stay as close as possible to your ideal body weight so that arthritic joints have less weight to support.  And before eliminating food groups, or adding supplements consult with your doctor or nutritionist.

This post was posted in Back Pain & Body Pain


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