<![CDATA[Articles]]> Wed, 12 Mar 2025 21:20:35 +0000 hourly 1 <![CDATA[Hate the Hospital Bed? Use the Wedge Pillow and Feel the Difference!]]> Sat, 18 Jan 2014 13:48:55 +0000


Assuming that you or a friend or family member need to stay throughout a respectable period in a clinic you need to comprehend that this stay can make individuals feel fearful, yet knowing ahead of time what this experience might be, will help you to adapt to it in a much simpler manner.


Resting in a clinic may be something difficult to get used to at  first in light of the fact that you are not in your individual space, for instance it is your room, and most therapeutic focuses don't offer an agreeable and warmth environment to rest in. What's more when we add to this, the distress of your ailment, dozing can turn into a hard undertaking.


Being throughout the day stayed in bunk–except for those whose condition permit them to move around the doctor's facility have a tendency to improve weight wounds or bedsores, which are skin ulcers prepared  for being taking a seat or resting in the same position for long time.



The weight you put in a few parts of your physique decreases the circulation of blood through the skin tissues and under-skin tissues, turning the skin rosy or darker, contingent upon the color of your skin. Left untreated can handle contamination that may unable an individual to move typically.


With a specific end goal to enhance this condition, it is prescribed to utilize wedge pillows or wedge pads to soothe the weight of the wounds. In the event that you are thinking about your side, it is better to utilize the cushion under one side, to make the weight rest upon the beefy some piece of your bum rather on your hipbone. The point when mulling over your back, place the couch cushion wedge under your calves to divide your knees and lift up your lower legs. What's more when you are sitting in cot or in wheelchair, put the wedge pad betraying your trust help you sit upright and straight.



This is the manner by which the Wedge Pillow turns into an impeccable support for restorative focus patients to help them defeat the uneasiness that bears a drawn out laid up stay –as well as the perpetual quality in wheelchairs- and accomplish a much quicker recuperation. Along these lines, when you need to uphold your physique in a right position and feel good, don't falter to click on Wedge Pillow to get this phenomenal item for recuperation time in the healing center.

<![CDATA[Sleeping with your enemies: Dust-mites on your pillow!]]> Sat, 18 Jan 2014 09:57:13 +0000 Did somebody sneeze? Oh no, is it the flu again?

Well, not necessarily. Any sudden sneeze is not a sure sign of a cold or a flu, it may be an allergic reaction to anything....or anyone?

Around 40 to 50 million of people in the United States suffer from some kind of allergy, which makes the 20% of the total national population.

Allergy diseases constitute the sixth top cause of death in the U.S., being sinusitis one of the most common allergy Americans develop every year. Other allergies of major concern are rhinitis and skin allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis and acute urticaria (hives), the mainly affect young children under 6 years old.

With the above said, and having in mind that we spend 8 hours, -the third part of the day in bed- it is clear the necessity of sleeping on a surface totally free from bacteria, allergens, dust, mites, moisture, fungus, dirt and other micro particles that can affect your breathing airways, skin, mucous fluids and other parts of your body that may develop other type of allergies besides the respiratory ones.

Pillows are the biggest deposits of all these micro particles. you can not see them of course, they are microscopic! You can check and double-check your pillow and feel it quite good, but these little guys are very well hooked on reproducing themselves everyday.

Dust-mites are the most common guests of pillows and produce dust-mite allergies as rhinitis that is characterized by its series of uncomfortable ailments as runny nose, itchy, sneezing, red nose, nasal stuffiness,respiratory problems, atopic dermatitis and asthma.

Dust mites live in humid environments and eat shreds of nails, hair, skin, fungi, animal dander and other wastes that can be found in great quantities in clothes, mattresses, blankets, comforters, and… pillows!

You can make a full dehumidifying and vacuuming work all around the house and use sprays and filters out there that can significantly reduce dust-mites, but not get totally rid of them if you still keep your infected bedding articles.

A 100% hypoallergenic pillow filling as memory foam, made from polyutherane that does not contain harmful chemicals that are used for latex foam pillows is perfect for people who suffer from skin problems, allergies, infections, rashes, diseases (skin cancer, herpes, hives, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), or any other condition that make them sensitive to any rough material that gets in contact with their skin surface.

The small shredded pieces of the Comfort Soothe Memory Pillow give a perfect fluffing to its classic rectangular shape that accustoms exactly to your anatomy and movements when lying down, giving you a total cradle-like support; preventing the buildup of micro particles, the invisible culprits of your nocturnal allergies.

The Comfort Soothe Memory Pillow is totally breathable, fresh, remains in its original shape for longer time and is more resistant to any different and similar filling materials, giving as a result the perfect blend of health aid and maximum sleep support, embodied in a pillow. To see more about this, click on hypo-allergenic pillow.

<![CDATA[Neck Pain, me? Know the facts, how to treat it and prevent it]]> Sun, 12 Jan 2014 15:23:38 +0000


The neck incorporates the upper bit of the spinal line from the C1 disc to the C7 disc, called cervical spine, and the encompassing muscles, nerves, tendons and veins of this zone. The cervical spine is placed directly underneath the skull and reaches out above the thoracic spine.


A standout amongst the most well-known muscle issues are neck stretch a minor neck harm. From the start these issues don't cause much inconvenience and ache (neck strain), however as long as time passes side effects neck solidness or muscle fit begin appearing and in addition new damages begin giving the idea that may bring about cervical spine degeneration and interminable neck torment.


For the recent, it may be obliged a physical recovery guided by a doctor, so as to control the degenerative process and keep away from further harm.


The discs that structure the cervical territory are created out of connective tissue, which experiences continuous disc degeneration-or spondylolysis as it is formally called- because of little damages that don't speak to an incredible uneasiness, however over the long haul may incite more genuine wounds that do cause prompt agony and brokenness.


What's more how does this procedure happens? As we develop old, our discs begin loosing the water and its sock engrossing capacity. The primary thing that happens in a neck disc is the manifestation of tears in the external ring or annulus with no unmistakable indications whatsoever and gets recuperated framing scar tissue. Scar tissues are frail tissues that make the disc more inclined to wear.



The persistent wearing of the disc begins decreasing the crevice between every vertebra, generating a crumple that influences the aspect joints (hard handles) on the once more of the segment. Since bones can not fit legitimately, there is processed a weight age the articular cartilage that may bring about osteoarthritis.


The point when hurt agony gets incessant, it is alluded as mechanical neck torment because of the way that our neck deteriorates each time we move our neck, which is conceivable by method of the mechanical parts of the neck that permit the neck to bend and twist. This ache appears to be begun by the irritation of the aspect joints and the disc degeneration. The point when the aggravation develops, our neck muscles react with fits in an endeavor to stop the development of the cervical region.


You can understand you are experiencing a cervical condition when you show:


- Moderate to intense neck torment

- Headaches

- Numbness, torment and moderate reflexes in shoulders, arms and hands

- Decrease movement of neck, deadness

- Walking issues


By the by, it is a doctor the ones who can secure a safe diagnose of your condition after an arrangement of examinations that incorporate a physical examination, X-beams, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Assisted Tomography (CAT Scan), Electromyogram (EMG), Myelography (Myelogram), Bone Scan and research center tests.


For neck torment medication there are two characterized ways: Non-surgical and surgical medicine. They are both planned to soothe neck torment and lessen the danger of damage recidivism.



Neck torment non-surgical medication comprises of non-intrusive treatment, epidural steroid infusion, and the utilization of drugs, a cervical neckline or a cervical cushion.


The Surgical medications are truly uncommon, and we say "medicines" in plural since there are diverse surgeries for each one kind of neck ache, however all in all terms they are meant to take away the weight of nerve roots, the weight from the spinal rope and stop the movement between two vertebrae.


Forestalling Neck Pain


The most ideal approach to maintain a strategic distance from neck torment is by upholding a fitting position. This is very troublesome throughout slumber in light of the fact that not every last one of us have a fitting backing for our neck while we Pillow, which is made of an imaginative material which adjusts to the state of your neck and head to furnish greatest backing. Only click here to read all the more about this top notch cushion for neck torment.
