Manufacturer Guarantee extends to Deluxe Comfort® products only when they are purchased through an authorized retailer/reseller. To ensure your products are authentic, safe and of high quality, please purchase only through our authorized resellers.

Liquidation Items

As of January 1, 2019, the Deluxe Comfort® manufacturer warranty does not apply to unauthorized sales of Deluxe Comfort® products and such items have been classified as liquidation items.

Authorized Retailers/Resellers

The following online retailers/resellers are authorized by Deluxe Comfort® to sell Deluxe Comfort® products- Boyfriend Pillow, Muscle Man Pillow, Girlfriend Pillow, Husband Pillow, namely:-

Unauthorized Online Retailers do not have direct access to the products manufactured by Deluxe Comfort. So they may be selling products with low quality material and design variations which may be harmful to the user. For this reason, we don't provide guarantee for such products nor do we entertain any kind of claims regarding such products.

The following online retailers have no relationship with the Deluxe Comfort® Company and are some of the online sites who are NOT authorized retailers of Deluxe Comfort® products. This is not a complete list and there are other non-authorized sites. We cannot vouch for the authenticity or condition of the products they sell, and we are not responsible for products purchased from these web sites.

With respect to sales on Amazon,, we provide a manufacturer's warranty only for products purchased from our official Amazon seller account.......... and from authorized resellers on Amazon, namely:

Unbeatable sales

Home and healthy living

Vitality Medical

who comply with our terms, conditions and strict quality controls for resale on Amazon, and who we have also confirmed as (a) providing genuine, new and authentic products manufactured by Deluxe Comfort and not liquidation items; and (b) complying with Amazon rules and policies. The Manufacturer's warranty will otherwise not apply, and in particular, will not apply to sales of products from unauthorized resellers which we consider liquidation items not permitted for resale on Amazon. When applicable, the manufacturer's warranty is limited to returns of defective products within 30 days of purchase via Amazon's return procedure.


Warranty: Products bought from a non-authorized retailer do not carry the original warranty. We will not be providing manufacturer warranty and assistance in case of any any problem or issue with the product.

Counterfeit products: You should be aware that buying from a non-authorized retailer exposes you to the possibility of purchasing an item that is not a genuine Deluxe Comfort® product.

Diverted Products: As these unauthorized retailers/resellers have no relationship with our company, we are unaware of the source of the products they are selling and consider them to be diverted.

These diverted products can be counterfeit, consisting of low quality material and may be having design defects and thus, may not be safe to use. This means if you buy our products from an outlet other than our authorized partners, we cannot guarantee that products are authentic or that they will perform as tested.

So please buy safe and authentic products from our authorized retailers/resellers only.

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